This piece of artwork was created entirely by a computer that has learned its skill from other artists. The AI generated art is becoming a subset of the genre and can be as pleasing to look at as art created by a human. We are living in extremely interesting times my friends.
Here are some more AI generated art pieces:
Neat Shit of The Week (NSoTW)
What is real? Add a Mont to it and you get a cool city in Quebec I suppose..but this is not what I’m talking about…
This works for our purposes here…assumptions are made all the time, in science, in social situations, some are wrong and some turn out to be correct. As long as we know what they are before going in, everyone can be on the same page, agree or disagree, well, that is also your prerogative.
I won’t get into religion either, Jesus, Allah or a nice oak tree, whatever floats your boat is fine…even the sun.
Is money real? The Brazilian Real is real, because well, I have some Real here at home, in my real home. Now, if you were chatting to folks about the metaverse, and were referring to these real things, in real life, you might say, “IRL”…for example, “I enjoy touching grass irl”…in real life. Versus your life online, in the metaverse or elsewhere. Which would not be real grass, but relative to the world in which you found yourself, it may be very real indeed. Seen the movie Inception? Very real and cool…irl.
But, let’s get real here..
Where does your income come from? A pension? Job? No matter where…how does it show up in your bank account?
You do some work, or did some in the case of a pension…one day, usually regularly, some numbers increase in your bank account. Let’s say, you got paid 2000$.
So yesterday you had $1000 in your account, today you have $3000. Where did that $2000 actually come from? A Brinks truck left your place of employment with a bag of quarters and 5 dollar bills, drove to your bank branch and gave it to Debra the manager and she put it in a drawer in the safe labelled with your name?
Surely not.
It is just electronic IOU’s sent from here to there over the internet or similar system…because you now take $1500 of your money and e-transfer it to a fella in Calgary, from whom you bought that nifty set of silver cheese forks to show off at your next Cheedar of the Month club meeting.
That ‘money’ gets whipped across the internet to Bob’s Cheese House account and he subsequently sends it to the city of Calgary for unpaid parking tickets…and on and on it goes….
Where exactly is all this ‘money’ supposed to be? Have you seen any of it?
It is really a weird system if you sit and ponder it all…and all of this money was pulled out of the Bank of Canada’s computer in the same way. It is backed by nothing other than the government of Canada and its promise to pay this debt.
Just as a side note, here is an interesting story from Beirut where a woman pulled out a toy gun to try and withdraw HER money from the bank. The banks have been limiting the amount people can withdraw.
Woman Forced to Use Toy Gun to Withdraw Her Money
Just remember that there are ways to protect yourself, or at least start to think outside the box and that the world is changing….you can hold other currencies, precious metals, Bitcoin to have some diversification from being 100% in Canada dollars, Canadian banks etc.
Just some thoughts to ponder as we linger in this bear market, as stocks take a tumble along with housing prices (here in Canada) as almost everything else goes up, up, up in price…
If you run across someone (or maybe you) who ‘doesn’t understand it’, that is totally fine and dandy…let me just leave you with these thoughts…
Can you describe how the smoke detector works in your house? Almost a legal requirement nowadays right???…. Do you know how the sensor works? Does that lack of understanding stop you from putting one or three up in your house to perhaps save your life one day? Probably not, as you probably just do it and trust the science.
Can you describe how your microwave heats food up in a couple sentences? Why the inside is feckin steaming and the edges are hard as a rock? No? Me either…Still pretty good to have around yes, wouldn’t you agree? Does it matter that you can’t tell someone the physics of how you made their ‘too rare’ steak into a well done masterpiece in 34 seconds? No? Me either. But does it matter? Not really.
I could go on….do you understand corporate bonds? Why some fish you can see through and others have no scales? Can you tell me how a piece of string is?
Can there be a LEFT with a RIGHT? What if there was only one of everything? Would LEFT and RIGHT even be a concept?
Were you aware that COLD doesn’t even exist? It is only ever a lack of heat….so when it is ‘cold’, it is just less hot in reality…
Lots of shit I have no idea about what’s going on.
What I am getting at is you don’t need to understand, love, lay naked with, or buy supper for Bitcoin to realize maybe, just maybe, it may be a good idea to have some…even just a little bit.
Just some microwaved food for thought.
Ending it Here
What is real? Well this skit from SNL is real. Another fabalus laugh out loud here….I do find it amazing that this passed the censors…of course maybe I am reading too much into it. It may just be about wine.
Blue side up Amigos.