A couple things that make today what it is...
"Maybe it’s not too late…to learn how to Love and Forget how to Hate”
The present is the only thing that is real….the past and the future are constructs that ONLY exist in your mind.
Remember that reality is happening right here and now, what HAS happened doesn’t exist anymore. It is nothing.
And what might or might not happen in the future is completely a construct of what your mind can come up with. It doesn’t exist either.
Only right now as you read this, this is what exists and what reality actually is.
Use it as you see fit.
You are either on this train or you are watching it leave the station. Or watched it come in, either way, get on the train….kind of shitty metaphor I am aware. Train=reality…train before got to station is past, not relevant now…train after it left station, who cares because you aren’t on it.
Cool tune either way. All a-aboard…ahahahahahaha….
As a quick and juicy filler for my tardiness this week, found this word, an english word.
Defined thusly….
An aptronym, aptonym, or euonym is a personal name aptly or peculiarly suited to its owner…
For example:
Thomas Crapper, the sanitary engineer,
Mark De Man, the Belgian football defender, and of course,
Yu Soo, the attorney.
Now, an inaptronym has some irony thrown into the lexicological mix and makes it a bit more less dad-jokey and more intelligent-y…
For example:
Rob. Banks the police officer in the UK,
Don Black, the white supremacist,
Jaime Sin, the catholic priest, who upon becoming a cardinal was thus called, Cardinal Sin,
Robin Mahfood, president and CEO of Food For The Poor,
I.C. Nothing, the opthalmologist, Leiden University.
But none of these can measure up to Robert DeNiro on Saturday Night Live in 2002…. year after 9-11, I do remember seeing this live. This is one of my favourite clips and makes me laugh out loud every frickin time I watch it….M'Balz Es Hari…enjoy…and remember the threat level is magenta.
Hous Been Pharteen…I-Zheet M’Drurz…still laughing out loud….sorry to interrupt….
Now you are asking where are the flying pictures? Alright..here is the famous Pieter Bruegel the Elder on an airplane…magical indeed. The nordic countries (not thayt Belgium is nordic) have a way of making some of the ugliest paint jobs in aviation….
The patchwork of the Netherlands….it looked dry to me. Apart from the watery bits, of course….but the brown was brown and the green was more of brownish-green…very hot and dry summer. Most of the rivers in Europe you can see the sandy banks much more pronounced and wider than usual.
The earth is more or less a closed system so I assume somewhere is getting the water that used to be here…seems like Pakistan and other regions getting too much water. I also assume if the water end up in the oceans it takes the energy the sun put into THAT system that evaporated the water and left it salty, that energy must be returned to de-salinate the water for plants, goldfish and us, etc….
We just happen to be screwing with the balance and I suppose, we may be all living in the wrong spots after the tide comes in??
Check it out….click here…
Blue side up amigos.